
Matthew 20:1-16

Addictions and the Devil…

ADDICTIONS ARE DEMONIC. Look at what it does to people, their loved one, their lives, their bodies… I don’t think anyone would argue that’s not demonic. I wish everyone would just see that the devil has successfully gotten you to believe that addiction isn’t your fault. The devil is not “a” deceiver… he is “THE” deceiver. If you take all the deceivers on the planet and lump them together, the devil is still a million times better at it than all of them. If you think your addiction is not your fault, it’s because you let the devil deceive you.

Recently, I read an article that was so appalling, I just had to include it in my next blog. And although appalling, it is not at all surprising as I have mentioned many times before, the devil is very busy and really good at his job. And why wouldn’t he be? If I had over 4,000 years to become the very best at anything, I bet I would be really good at my job too!

Anyway, the devil has already successfully gotten everyone to believe that things like alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction, video game addiction, etc. are NOT your fault. Oh no! You have an illness and it’s not your fault. Just like the article I linked above talks about, they remove most, if not all, personal responsibility from the person who is addicted. Addicted people have addictions FOR A REASON. If you are a happy, well-adjusted person who takes care of day-to-day problems in a responsible manner, you have no reason to be an addict. I’ll say it again.. you are an addict FOR A REASON. You have some troubles that you have tried to suppress, whether consciously or unconsciously, some things you’ve never told anyone or possibly things you are afraid to tell anyone. Some addictions are even revered as GOOD, such as the Workaholic. (I’m not referring to someone who has to work 3 jobs to support their family. I’m referring to the person who’s ALWAYS at their one and only job.) A workaholic MUST care so much about his job to want to work day and night to be good at it right? Wrong. You will find this person at work on their days off and staying long after quitting time. A workaholic is one who is usually avoiding problems at home, so the best excuse is just stay at work. Any word that ends with -aholic is not good.

The problem with these ‘addictions’ is that it is absolutely 100% is YOUR own fault. Each individual makes their own decision to take that next drink, to keep playing that video game, to stay at work instead of going home, to abuse drugs…. The only illnesses these people have are the problems they are covering up! I have said too many times to count, that by the time you are an adult, you KNOW right from wrong. If you were abused as a child, and now as an adult are having feelings about abusing others, you know full-well that you NEED HELP. All you have to do is get it. Refusing to get help is irresponsible and if you refuse and harm others, you are 100% at fault. There are PLENTY of non-profit groups and organizations for whatever your problems are. You don’t need money or health insurance to at least TRY to get help. But to do something like sexually abuse children and then try to make the case that it’s not your fault because you were molested as a child is complete and utter bullshit. It was not your fault that you were abused, but it is 100% your fault that you abused someone else now!

Tom Arnold

I saw an interview where the actor Tom Arnold talked about his past addictions. He said he didn’t know WHY he was addicted to drugs and alcohol until a therapist helped him. The therapist asked the right questions and he discovered that he has been sexually abused by a neighbor when he was very little. Tom said that he never understood why he was an addict, until this breakthrough. The point of this is that when you KNOW what your problems are, and you DEAL with them, you will be able to get help for the problems that arose from your addiction, and therefore, taking away your need to be an addict. Tom Arnold is a prime example of someone who sought help and through his dealing with his problems is no longer an addict. Those 12-step programs might work for some people, having to only live ‘one day at a time’ but if they dealt with their actual problems, they wouldn’t have to work so hard against the addictions!

Addictions were once things that you kept secret. You didn’t want your community to know you were an alcoholic or a gambler or a sex-addict. Now, it’s all out in the open. I’m sure some still hide addictions, but most are happy to tell anyone and everyone about their problems. And why not? We’ve taken away their responsibility and they no longer feel that it’s their fault. I hope everyone will read the first article that I linked above. If pedophilia becomes an ‘accepted’ addiction in our society, then what’s next? Murder and rape or okay because you have an addiction to killing or raping people? Sounds ridiculous, right? Ten years ago if you’d said that someone was going to start a campaign to make pedophiles not seem so bad, it would have sounded ridiculous too. But that’s exactly what’s happening now. The devil has been very busy, indeed.

September 8, 2011 Posted by | My Thoughts and Opinions | , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment